I would like to sincerely thank all the people who have sent their best wishes by phone call, text and social media both from Ireland and the UK since my departure was announced. It has been an honour and privilege to lead Irish Limousin during my tenure not to mention the immense pleasure I experienced working with our breeders.
I have made many friends over the years and was always afforded warm hospitality wherever I visited farms or events. Likewise I have made many friends while representing the Society at the ILC and particularly on my many trips to the UK and to France.
Over the years difficult and sometimes unpopular decisions had to be taken, however, I was always treated with great respect.
Thank you to all the Council members, Presidents and club officers who I worked with over the years and who always offered great support. I am indebted to the Society staff, current and past, for all their assistance, guidance and dedication.
Over the years, I have officiated at many different events and I would like to acknowledge all the co-operation and help I received from mart managers and their staff , auctioneers, DAFM representatives, show organisers, show stewards and judges, photographers and the farming press. Similarly thank you to all the people from other breeds and organisations who I came to know over the years either at shows or industry meetings.
To the YMA members you are the future of the breed, thank you for all the pleasure and pride you have given me over the years, not just the winners but everyone that participated, each and every one of you are a credit to our Society.
For the past 12 years, my wife Mary has kept everything at home going – I wish to thank her most sincerely for her unfailing support, without this support I would not have been able to commit 12 years to the society.
Finally we have a great breed and breeders, we must embrace science and technology but we must always acknowledge good cattle and the people who produce these good cattle. To survive, it is essential we produce what the commercial market requires.
I wish you all the very best in the future.
Paul Sykes