IML Healthplus+ is an Irish Limousin Cattle Society initiative put in place to promote and encourage herd health among Limousin pedigree breeders and commercial farmers.
The society has teamed up with IML Laboratories Ltd – an independent and accredited testing laboratory in Ireland. This initiative represents a further development of society services to its breeders and associate members.
The IML Healthplus+ Health Scheme is licensed by Cattle Health Certification Standards (CHeCS) and supported by Animal Health Ireland (AHI).
The scheme currently offers testing, eradication and accreditation options which cover the four most important endemic infectious disease agents:
Bovine Viral Diarrhoea (BVD)
- Johnes Disease
Infectious Bovine Rhinotracheitis (IBR)
It is anticipated that additional diseases caused by salmonella and liver fluke will be accommodated for in the future.
If you require further information, please contact Robert Burns or Martina Cullivan at IML Laboratories on: 042 967 5353.

I want to join the scheme. What’s the process?
Familiarise yourself and your vet with the scheme by reading the Herd Health Information leaflet and the CHeCS Technical Document
Complete a IML Healthplus+ application form and send to:
Irish Limousin Cattle Society Ltd,
Kilglass, Mitchelstown,
Co. Cork, IrelandAlternatively, email it to: [email protected]
Once approved, you will receive Sample Submission Forms.
Decide what diseases you will test for.
Arrange for your vet to take samples (one blood sample per animal) and to complete your herd health plan.
Arrange for your vet to send samples – together with the completed submission forms and your herd profile (AIM stock listing) – to IML Laboratories Ltd. A vet signed/stamped hard copy and Excel or CSV file of your AIM stock listing must be provided.
Receive results. If disease present, consult with your vet and IML Laboratories for support. Additionally testing or culling may be required.
If disease free, the certification is issued by the Irish Limousin Cattle Society IML Healthplus+ Health Scheme under CHeCS licence and you will receive a Statement of Participation and Accrediation Certificate.
Annual herd screening and update of herd health plan is required to maintain accreditation.
IML Healthplus+ Frequently Asked Questions
The IML Healthplus+ Herd Health Scheme enhances herd health and is an internationally recognised accreditation.
There is no annual membership fee and the scheme is open to all ILCS members (full and associate).
Note: Failing to email an electronic copy (Excel or CSV) of the herd profile to IML Laboratories -containing all four of the relevant fields – will require IML staff to generate the required electronic format and a data entry fee of €40 will apply.
Laboratory charges:
*Price per sample. Price includes VAT.
Your results are completed confidential.
Participants must follow the rules and conditions of CHeCS. The scheme is subject to audits and checks. Abuse will lead to exclusion from the scheme and loss of status.
Only labs recognised under the CHeCS approved health scheme can be used.
Only if it was conducted as part of a CHeCS approved health scheme. However, previous testing will help you understand the current health status of your herd.
Whenever possible, cattle should only be added to a health scheme herd if they are from a herd that is accredited free from the disease in question,
Otherwise, they must be placed in isolation for the required period and tested by the appropriate test(s) for the disease(s) in question.