A unique collaboration between the Irish Limousin Cattle Society and the Irish Farmers Journal, analysing actual Mart Watch data, revealed the true potential of Limousin genetics here in Ireland.
The data retrieved clearly shows that the Limousin breed delivers a premium for all categories of stock both in the marts and in beef processing plants.
1) Delivering a premium ringside
The below data contains Mart Watch figures based on prices achieved ringside during the week ending March 5th, 2023.
Looking at the weanling bull (300-420kg) category first, there was a massive €0.90/kg between the top third of Limousin bulls last week when compared with the equivalent week in 2022.
Taking a 420kg weanling LM bull, this equates to a €380/head difference – showcasing the returns available for Limousin weanlings ringside.
Weanling Bulls (300-420kg) |
2022 |
2023 Avg |
2023 Top 1/3 |
LM | €2.80 | €3.41 | €3.70 |
LMX | €3.20 | €3.60 |
Table 1. Weanling bulls (300-400kg)
Secondly, if we examine the LMX steer (500-600kg) category, there was an extra €0.26/kg or €156/head available between the average LMX and the top third last week – assuming a steer weighed 600kg.
Steers (500-600kg) |
2023 Avg (€/kg) |
2023 Top 1/3 (€/kg) |
LM | €3.17 | €3.25 |
LMX | €3.04 | €3.30 |
Table 2. Steers (500-600kg)
2) Demanding a premium in beef plants
This analysis also examined the prices available for Limousin stock for farmers and finishers in the factory lairages – and again, the figures clearly show the positive returns that are acheivable.
The below data was retrieved for the Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine’s Beef Pricewatch App for the week ending February 26th, 2023 and the equivalent week in 2022.
Assuming a steer carcass weight of 420kg, grading U+ with a fat score of 3-, there was an extra €332/head or €0.80/kg available for Limousin steers that week when compared with the same week in 2022.
Weight (Carcass) | Steer Beef Price (€/kg) |
Grade | Fat Score | Animal Value (€/kg) |
2023 | 420kg | €5.70 | U+ | 3- | €2,394 |
2022 | 420kg | €4.91 | U+ | 3- | €2,062 |
Table 3. Factory returns week ending February 26th, 2023
This analysis cements that quality pays and that Limousin genetics deliver a monetary premium for all categories of stock in all stages of the supply chain – whether that be suckler farmers in terms of weanling sales or – on the other side – finishers bringing those weanlings and stores through to beef.
The next opportunity to purchase a Limousin stockbull and unlock these premiums is at the Elphin Premier Show and Sale this Saturday, March 11th. The show will commence at 9:00am with the sale scheduled to start at 12:30pm – online bidding available on Martbids.
There are a total of 68 bulls catalogued for Saturday with a variety of easy-calving, maternal and terminal bloodlines. Many of the bulls entered are genotyped 5-star for both maternal and terminal traits.
Additionally, all the bulls come from high health status herds and are fertility tested and fertility insured.