The International Limousin Congress guests said goodbye to the new and old friends, as those with the 5-Day package departed yesterday morning. They then headed up north to Cheyenne, Wyo., to experience a true Western pastime.
Cheyenne Frontier Days, “The Daddy of ‘em all”, is known as one of the largest outdoor rodeos. There were plenty of shops to roam through before the rodeo started, showing more of the western spirit of the cowboy. To many, this was their first experience attending a rodeo, and they sure loved it! They were able to experience several rounds of the more traditional rodeo events like steer wrestling, bronc riding and bull riding. They also experienced more nontraditional events such as, trick riding and trick roping, and unique to Cheyenne Frontier Days, the wild horse race. The wild horse race is where a team of three men try and hold down a horse long enough to get it saddled and then ride it around the track of the arena.
After the rodeo, we headed back down south to Fort Collins, Colo., to tour and eat dinner at the Anheuser-Busch Brewery. Dinner was served alongside a selection of beers brewed by the company. While half of us were eating, the other half toured the brew house, and then we switched groups. The tour consisted of seeing the different steps of the process, from the Starting Cellar, where the first set of ingredients are mixed and the sugars are separated, to the packaging, where the millions of cans are filled and quality checked, then to the finishing process of the Beechwood Aging Cellar, where the beer is mixed with beechwood in order to not let the yeast collect and give an undesirable taste.
When both groups were done with dinner and the tour, there was some free time to socialize amongst themselves. The buses were then loaded up again to make the trek down to Colorado Springs, Colo., were the guests will be staying at the Antlers Hotel the rest of the congress.