The South East Limousin Club had a quieter year in 2020 due to the Covid 19 restrictions.  From March to the end of 2020, a lot of events/sales were either held over zoom or virtually. Even with these restrictions, the Limousin breed continues to be the number one choice among both dairy and suckler farmers.

During the past year, a lot of anxiety was caused to both members and their families.  I wish to acknowledge any families who were either affected by Covid or who suffered a bereavement during this time.

In October the Society Breed Secretary, Paul Sykes retired.  On behalf of the club, I wish to thank Paul for all his assistance, sound advice and support throughout his time as secretary.  Paul considered every breeder the same, regardless of the size of their herd and it has been an honour and privilege working with him.  The club chairman, John O’Reilly and treasurer, Noel Brennan visited Paul at his farm where John presented a glass vase to Paul as a token of appreciation from club members.  Club members wish both Paul and his wife Mary health and happiness for the future.

We also congratulate our club member, Trevor Masterson who has been elected President of the Limousin Society and wish him every success in his new role.  As a club we also thank all the staff in the society office for their continued assistance and support throughout the past year.

 Finally, I wish all breed members health during the current difficult times and hopefully, 2021 will be a better year for everyone.

Mary Delaney


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