The North West Limousin Club herds competition is confined to breeders in the club area – which caters for breeders with a herd number in Co. Roscommon, Sligo, Mayo and Galway or breeders who were accepted as club members in last year’s competition.
Entrants must be club members. Annual subscription is €20. Membership fee can be added to the entry fee if not paid previously.
Competition entry fee is €50 for the herd. There are also some individual competitions where the breeder can enter an individual animal in one of the classes f-l. The entry fee to enter one animal is €20.
The competition will be held in late August / early September. Categories will be decided after entries are received and divided into three sections based on cow numbers on 5/8/23.
Each category will have a 1st, 2nd and 3rd prize. There will also be an overall herd award and an award for the best novice herd that has not entered the herds competition previously.
There are also special category awards for:
• a) best group of calves (born after 1/9/22)
• b) best group of maiden heifers (born 1/9/21-31/8/22)
• c) Best group of In-calf heifers
• d) best progeny (under 1 years old) of one AI sire and
• e) Best progeny (under 1 year old) of a stock bull
• f) Best cow family (three generations minimum).
The last six categories (f, g, h, I, j, k,l) are open to any eligible breeder to enter individually. (i.e. no need to enter the entire herd).
Note. Cattle from herds in the main competition are automatically in these six sections
• f) Best 2022 born heifer
• g) Best 2022 born Bull
• h) Best cow with 2023 born calf
• i) Best in-calf dry cow
• j) Best Bull born before 1/1/2022
• k) best 2023 born female
• l) best 2023 born male
Please fill in the entry form and return it to: Conor Regan, 2. Culmore Grove, Kilkelly, Co. Mayo. Tel. 0871472144. Closing date for entries is Friday, August 11th, 2023.
The entry form is available HERE.