The North West Limousin Club calf finals will take place at the Elphin Agricultural Show on Saturday, September 2nd.
The North West Limousin Club comprises of breeders in counties Galway, Mayo, Roscommon and Sligo. The competition is confined to breeders from these counties or breeders who are accepted members of the club. Only paid up members are eligible to enter (club membership of €20 may be paid to any club official prior to the show).
Class_______ Pedigree registered male born on or after 1/9/2022;
Class_______ Pedigree registered female calf born on or after 1/9/2022.
Entrants present on show day will be divided into classes based on age. The bulls will be divided into three sections. If the number present is not divisible by three, the extra calf (calves) will go to the older group(s). However, calves born on the same day will be in the same section.
The same divisions will take place in the female section. The champion calf chosen from the winners of the six classes will receive the Michael Dale cup.
- 1st: €100;
- 2nd: €60;
- 3rd: €40.
Sashes awarded to all 1st prize winners.