Elphin Show hosted the annual North West Club Calf Championships on Saturday 2nd September, 2017. A large entry of quality stock competed in six calf classes with the overall winner presented with the Michael Dale cup. The club area contains four counties Roscommon, Galway, Mayo and Sligo and all were represented in the prize winners. Judge for the day was Mr. James Callion from Co. Tyrone. James and his wife Alison run the Melbreak Limousin herd, they are regular exhibitors in Carlisle.
The show was all indoor, with judging taking place in the custom built showing ring at Elphin Mart. The calves attending were listed in age order and divided into three equal classes in both the male and female sections. Between the calf finals and the open classes over 30 Limousins were presented at the show.
Jack Vahey’s heifer Carrowclogher Madonna was a popular winner of the Michael Dale calf for the champion calf. This March 17 heifer is sired by Plumtree Fantastic and was also Reserve Limousin Champion of the show behind Owen Hester’s senior cow Meelickaduff Honda ET. Honda is no stranger to success in Elphin having been calf champion and breed champion in Elphin Shows in previous years. She also was crowned National Champion at Tullamore show last month.
North West Club Calf Championship 2017
Senior Bulls born after 1/9/16
Name | Date of birth | Exhibitor | Sire | Dam | |
1st | Redbawn Louis | 02/09/2016 | Ian Kilgannon | Lennon Frosty | Redbawn Ispringen |
2nd | Shanna Lord | 01/10/2016 | Seamus Keady | Ampertaine Gigolo | Shanna Galaxy ET |
3rd | Ovaun Lloyd | 02/10/2016 | Michael Gunn | Vagabond | Ovaun Jellydoughnut ET |
Intermediate Bull born after 1/9/16
Name | Date of birth | Exhibitor | Sire | Dam | |
1st | Milan Livingstone ET | 25/12/2016 | Donie McKeon | Ampertaine Foreman | Milan Amelie |
2nd | Milan Michelangelo ET | 26/01/2017 | Donie McKeon | Haltcliffe Dancer | Milan Amelie |
3rd | Ovaun Merlin ET | 15/01/2017 | Michael Gunn | Loosebeare Fantastic | Ovaun Barbara |
Junior Bull born after 1/9/17
Name | Date of birth | Exhibitor | Sire | Dam | |
1st | Gerrygullinane Maxibull | 25/02/2017 | Gerry Walsh | Wilodge Cerberus | Derrygullinane Jilly |
2nd | Milan Mario | 16/03/2017 | Donie McKeon | Abot MN | Milan Gloria |
3rd | Buckfield Mickey | 24/04/2017 | John Moore | Ampertaine Foreman | Annadale Eureka |
Senior heifer born after 1/9/16
Name | Date of birth | Exhibitor | Sire | Dam | |
1st | Derrygullinane Lancome | 23/09/2016 | Gerry Walsh | Gerrygullinane Glen | Meenogahane Victoria |
2nd | Clew Bay Leisa | 12/10/2016 | Padraig Golden | Ampertaine Foreman | Clew Bay Gerildane |
3rd | Clew Bay laoise | 14/09/2016 | Padraig Golden | Ampertaine Foreman | Clew Bay Fiona |
Intermediate heifer born after 1/9/16
Name | Date of birth | Exhibitor | Sire | Dam | |
1st | Milan Lindie ET | 05/11/2016 | Donie mcKeon | Ampertaine Foreman | Milan Amelie |
2nd | Clooncara Limousins Lucy Loo | 31/10/2016 | David Cogan | Plumtree Deus | Powerful Jaja |
3rd | Gerrygullinane Maggie | 07/01/2017 | Gerry Walsh | Plumtree Fantastic | Derrygullinane Iceprincess |
Junior heifer born after 1/9/17
Name | Date of birth | Exhibitor | Sire | Dam | |
1st | Carrowclogher Madonna | 28/03/2017 | Jack Vahey | Plumtree Fantastic | Glebe Park Ita |
2nd | Gerrygullinane Maisy ET | 03/02/2017 | Gerry Walsh | Marchmore Augustus | Derrygulliane Daisy |
3rd | Buckfield Maria | 15/03/2017 | John Moore | Bavardage | Ardlea Fatastic |
North West Club Champion Calf and winner of the Michael Dale cup 2017 – Carrowclogher Madonna
Name | Date of birth | Exhibitor | Sire | Dam | |
Champion | Carrowclogher Madonna | 28/03/2017 | Jack Vahey | Plumtree Fantastic | Glebe Park Ita |
Reserve Champion | Derrygullinane Lancome | 23/09/2016 | Gerry Walsh | Gerrygullinane Glen | Meenogahane Victoria |
Open Show Classes
Best Heifer born 1/1/16-31/8/16
Name | Date of birth | Exhibitor | Sire | Dam | |
1st | Lisnacrann Lady Naoimi | 16/03/2016 | Michael Oliver | Powerhouse Italic | Tullinacurra Darling Naomi |
Best Heifer born in 2015
Name | Date of birth | Exhibitor | Sire | Dam | |
1st | Clew Bay Kerry | 08/10/2015 | Padraig Golden | Huntershall Gladiator | Clew Bay Daisy |
2nd | Ovaun Kate ET | 16/09/2015 | Michael Gunn | Attirant | Ovaun Barbara |
Best female born prior to 1/1/15
Name | Date of birth | Exhibitor | Sire | Dam | |
1st | Meelickaduff Honda ET | 16/12/2012 | Michael Hester | Wilodge Vantastic | Etole |
Overall Champion Limousin of Elphin show
Name | Date of birth | Exhibitor | Sire | Dam | |
Champion | Meelickaduff Honda ET | 16/12/2012 | Michael Hester | Wilodge Vantastic | Etole |
Reserve Champion | Carrowclogher Madonna | 28/03/2017 | Jack Vahey | Plumtree Fantastic | Glebe Park Ita |