Pearl Massey runs a small suckler herd on her 40-acre farm just outside Carnew in South Wicklow. Pearl, who has always had an interest in farming, took over the running of the farm after her uncle passed away in 1999. The farm had previously combined the suckler enterprise with tillage, however, Pearl has focussed on the cows and combines farming with her full-time off farm occupation in Wicklow town and her young family.
The herd has always been based on Limousin with semen originally sourced from Progressive Genetics. Pearl bought a ‘GUARDS BOOMER’ stock bull six years ago as having her own bull fits well with her off farm work commitments. The cows are predominately ¾ Limousin with many of the females being homebred and some new heifers bought in recent years. The herd is mostly Autumn calving as Pearl likes to have the calves up and going before the Winter period. The calves are weaned at 8-9 months and concentrates are fed from Christmas until turnout to grass in the Spring. Weanlings are fed 3-4kgs for the 6-8 week period prior to sale in October.
While different breeds have been tried on the farm over the years, the Limousin is the breed which has consistently delivered for Pearl: “I prefer the Limousin as they are very quite and docile once you handle them correctly. They are very easily calved and the newly born calves thrive from the time they hit the ground”. Pearl also noted the longevity of the Limousin cows in her herd. “Some of my cows are here 10-12 years and they always produce a quality calf each year. For the last three years I have had twins born also and the Limousin is an excellent mother with very good milking ability”.
The farm is located 5 minutes from Carnew Livestock Mart where Pearl sells her cattle. “We are blessed to be so close to one of the top livestock marts in the Country and the team there do a great job selling our cattle”.
Carnew Livestock Mart will hold a Limousin commercial weanling show and sale on Wednesday 06th October. Further details can be found by contacting the mart directly at (053) 9426234 or email: [email protected]