Anyone who has been following the cattle trade in recent weeks knows that we are in the midst of a period of record-high prices for all types of cattle. However, it’s hard not to notice the top prices being achieved for Limousin-cross cattle each week – whether that be weanling heifers, bulls, store cattle or even cull cows.
High-growth rates and good grades have been the key to success for Irish farmers throughout the years and Limousin cattle ticks all these boxes.
Buyers in Gortatlea Mart “love to buy Limousin cattle because they’re good to grade and extremely good to kill-out”. That’s according to mart manager, Maurice Brosnan. “Limousin cattle are currently fighting with the best of breeds and are up there as one of the best breeds in the country.”
“The quality of Limousin cattle has also gone up a notch in recent years,” he added.
Brosnan believes this is due to the number of suckler men in the country dwindling; but, any farmers keeping suckler cows are now keeping quality rather than quantity, he highlighted.
There has been a huge increase in prices in recent weeks with cattle making €3/kg freely and farmers are now paying €3.40/kg for nice Limousin weanlings, he said. He also noted that cull cows are currently at a record high – with Limousin cows weighing and paying.
A Limousin cow recently went under the hammer for €3,050 at the Kerry-based venue.
In terms of who’s buying the Limousin cattle in Gortatlea Mart, he said: “The heavier 500kg plus Limousin cattle are currently being bought by northern buyers or factory agents, while the lighter types are currently being purchased by grass farmers”.