Europe’s biggest outdoor event “The National Ploughing Championship” was held from the 19th to 21st September in Screggan, Tullamore, Co. Offaly. As this is the largest gathering of the Agricultural Community, we take up residence in the Big Red Barn for the duration of the event. In the week prior to the Ploughing a busy team ensured the stand was well prepared.
With a record breaking attendance – the stand was buzzing with activity for the course of the three days – testament to the enduring popularity of the breed, even on Wednesday the 20th, when the heavens opened and made conditions outside far from ideal.
We were delighted with the footfall to the Red Barn, we welcomed breeders, spectators, industry leaders, school groups and some celebrities.
We would like to thank the exhibitors whose cattle formed such an integral component of our showcase for 2017. These cattle were prize winners, both pedigree and commercial from the National Show and came from exhibitors from all over the country.
We owe a debt of gratitude to the Office staff – Marie, Kathryn and Colette and the Council members who worked tireless to ensure everything ran smoothly.
The team at the information desk were kept busy answering various questions, while the merchandise was a huge draw.
Phelan’s Catering once again pulled out all the stops and ran our extremely busy hospitality area with their legendary skill and trademark efficiency.
Dairy farmers realising the immense value of the Dairy-Limousin cross were out in force – the predominate query was for information on easy calving/short gestation bulls that will help them to capitalise on the growing demand for 5 star heifers. Click here to see our current list of easy calving, short gestation AI bulls.
Thank you to all visitors to the stand, we look forward to “Ploughing 2018”.