Pictured above: William Smith and Saoirse Smith pictured with Supreme Champion and Overall Female Champion, Milbrook Naughtyspice.
It was a week to remember for Irish Limousin at Balmoral as William Smith won Supreme Champion & Overall Female Champion of the show with Milbrook Naughtyspice.
In addition to this, Donal Maloney took Reserve Overall Limousin of the show with Charlotte’s Sapphire, while Martin Davis brought home the Reserve Junior Male Champion rosette with Castlebrock Trafford.
Carrickmore Schumacher was awarded Overall Male Champion. He was bred by the Connell Brothers and is now owned by Trevor Shields. Mark McCartin bred the Junior Female Champion – sired by Claddagh McCabe, an Irish-bred sire standing in Dovea Genetics.

Carrickmore Schumacher bred by the Connell Brothers
In the commercial ring, ‘Coco’ – our Megamoo winning heifer from the 50th Anniversary Show in Carrick-on-Shannon last Autumn – won her class, aswell as Junior Champion, Reserve Female Commercial Champion and Reserve Overall Champion. The Elite Icecream heifer was bred by Eoghan Breslin.

Donal Moloney, Daniel Moloney and Eoghan Breslin with Reserve Female Commercial Champion and
Reserve Overall, ‘Coco’.