On Sunday the 30th of June a very large crowd gathered for the North West club open day on the farm of Donie and Maura McKeon, Enniscrone, Co. Sligo. A great day out was enjoyed by all visitors, with a stock judging competition, Guess the weight competition, YMA demonstration and a raffle, not to mention the fabulous food.
Donie took the visitors to see the herd, which he and Maura have taken great strides to build since its foundation in 1998.
The foundation female was Pelletstown Lorraine, a Generaux daughter and granddaughter of the renowned Pelletstown Estelle. Lorraine remained in the herd until she was 16 years old. She left a lasting legacy with many of her descendants remaining in the herd and breeding exceptionally well.
In September 1999, the Danish bred cow Hamel Fleur joined the herd after she was acquired from Roger McCarrick. Fleur is the grandam of Milan Amelie the dam of Milan Jefferson. Jefferson sold when he was just gone a year old for €12,200. He is an outstanding son of Ampertaine Foreman, as a calf he won sixteen red rosettes and championships. Three additional foundation females were Greenwell Nell, Greenwell Norma and a French cow called Raffalle, they bred exceptionally well and have twenty-two descendants in the upcoming sale.
The herd breeding plan has always been to use bulls that came from strong female lines with deep pedigree. Donie and Maura’s focus is to breed quality stylish and cattle, true to type, great consideration is placed on finding the correct bull for each female.
Donie and Maura place a huge emphasises on animal health. Cattle are vaccinated for Blackleg and Leptospirosis; the herd partakes in yearly Johnes testing and has maintained a Level 1 status since testing began. Regular use of minerals and a supply of good feed is a must.
Donie and Maura would like to thank all visitors to the farm open day. Many thanks to their neighbours, family, and friends for helping out. Many thanks to the North West Limousin club. A special mention to Moy Veterinary for their excellent service over the years and to Kevin Sweeny, AI Technician. Tricia Kennedy expertly captured the day on camera and we will have more pictures shortly.
Due to Donie and Maura’s decision to retire from farming the Milan herd will be sold on Saturday 20th of July in Elphin mart. To View the catalogue click here
We would like to thank Maura and Donie for hosting the Open day – the herd is a credit to you both and the dedication and commitment you placed on the Limousin breed, we wish you both all the best for the future.
Anyone wishing to invest in an exceptional breeding female should come along to Elphin mart on the 20th of July. The extensive catalogue contains a full listing of all cattle on offer, some embryos and many AI straws.