On bank holiday Easter Monday, 22nd April, 2019, the South West Limousin club in association with Castleisland mart held a Limousin cross calf show & sale.  These calves were excellent examples of the type of Limousin X calves produced in the dairy herd. With the quality of calves on offer – there was huge demand and excellent prices paid.

Judging the show was Mr. John O’Connor, a Limousin breeder and butcher from county Kerry. With a great entry – John had an unenviable task. Many thanks to the Management and staff of Castleisland mart, also thanks to sellers and buyers.

We are very grateful to John for judging, and to Sarah McElligott for all her work and effort in organising and ensuring the smooth running of the show & sale.

Prize winning calves in Castleisland

Heifer calves
1st €450
2nd €370
3rd €260
Bull Calves
1st €370
2nd €335
3rd €370


First prize winning heifer calf – €450 (by ZAG)

First prize winning Bull calf – €370

Third prize winning Heifer calf =- €260

First prize winning bull calf – €370

Judge John O’Connor with his choice of first prize winning bull calf

First prize winning heifer calf – Top priced calf – €450 – this calf is by ZAG

Quality shine through – 1st prize winning bull calf – €370

Quality calves from the Dairy herd – this sold for €450 and €370

First prize winning heifer calf in the sales ring


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