Clare Club heifer sale will take place in Sixmilebridge Mart on Friday 15th November 2024 at 7.00pm
⇒To download Entry Form please click here⇐
Regulations for Entry to Clare Limousin Club Sales
- Females must be minimum 9 months of age and maximum up to In-Calf Heifers.
- All Heifers must be in TB Test.
- All Heifers must be halter trained and tied in the pens [No Exceptions], but can be let into the sales ring loose or walked in by the vendor.
- All heifers will be pre-inspected on farm one week after entry date closed.
- Animals must be in vendors herd prior to sale.
- Herds consigning cattle must be actively participating in a CHeCS accredited Johnes herd testing programme and have results available at least 10 working days before the sale date. This means all animals in the herd that are 24 months and over, whether pedigree Limousin or otherwise, are to be tested annually in accordance with the rules of CHeCS. Note: the onus is on you the herd owner to ensure all information is up-to-date in advance of sale day. If a female is under 2 years of age at time of annual Johnes test but subsequently turns 2 years of age by the time of a Society sale you will be required to test this animal for Johnes before your annual Johnes test.
- All animals entered for sale must have tested negative for the BVD Virus once within their lifetime. BVD declaration forms are required for animals born before 2013.
- All animals must have a valid pedigree certificate at time of submitting entry form to sale.
- Use of narcotics or pain suppressants is strictly forbidden at Clare Limousin Club Sales.
- White coats must be worn in the sales ring.
- Iron halters are forbidden at Clare Limousin Club sales.
- Any animal with a white spot larger than a 1 euro coin should not be entered at a Sale and will be rejected at time of inspection.
- All animals must be in their pens prior to 5.30pm, to allow viewing prior to the sale.
Clare Limousin Club Heifer Sale Entry Fee – €30