A Commercial Limousin Heifer Sale took place in Castleisland mart on Wednesday 18th October 2017. Heifers were judged before hand by John O’Connor. John give the award for best heifer to a red 1½ heifer belonging to Pat Cronin, Killarney. This heifer weighed 480kgs and sold for €1260. Commenting on his prize winner John said: this is a very stylish heifer – a real cow maker, she has length, power, style and is extremely docile.
A 1½ year old heifer presented by MG McElligott sold for €1075. This Limousin sired heifer is out of a Shorthorn cow. She weighed 464kgs.
A black Limousin heifer, which John described as eye-catching sold for €1090, this heifer weighed 484kg.
3 red heifers weighing 465kgs sold in one lot for €1090.
436kgs made €1130.
390kgs made €830.
403kgs sold for €940.