With autumn breeding currently under way on farm, in this article we preview three new exciting French sires that are available for pedigree Limousin breeders here in Ireland.
Magister (pictured above)
• Chatelain x Objat.
• Excellent carcass and weight.
• Stand out daughters from 2022 Moussours maternal test.
• Daughters excel for milk, fertility and carcass traits.
• Magister was injured during the progeny test semen is in short supply.
Two-week-old Magister-sired calves that were viewed in France in autumn 2021 were square and of excellent quality, with French breeders noting that they were very easily born.
In late spring 2022, Magister-sired calves viewed in again in France, but at the weanling stage. These calves showed excellent conformation and weight, with good legs and heads; the objat influence was evident.
Additionally, spring 2022 Magister-sired daughters viewed at Moussours Test Station with September 2021 calves at foot were medium sized, bright in colour, correct and easy-fleshing, with nice udders. The calves at foot were strong and showed quality characteristics – the best calves selected were out of Magister daughters.
He is best suited to taller bloodlines.
View Magister ICBF indexes HERE.
Nucleon MN
• Selected as an AI sire due to the strength of his progeny on-farm.
• Growth, size and shape.
• Superior pelvic structure.
• French figures suggest easy-calving and positive for milk.
Nucleon MN has been made available to the Irish Limousin breeder due to his calving ease – combined with his length and size.
There is a need for a size improver that is easily born. Nucleon should be an ideal sire to add size to beefy bloodlines, whilst keeping calving ease traits.
View Nucleon ICBF indexes HERE.
• Proven maternal sire.
• Adds size and strength to his progeny.
• High growth, good carcass males.
• Big powerful daughters that are heavy milkers.
Jaurel should be used on beefy lines to add power, size and milk. He comes equipped with exceptional French and Irish indexes – with over 40kg of carcass and 5.8kg of milk.
View Jaurel ICBF indexes HERE.