John Lynch, renowned show man and owner of the very successful Portauns pedigree Limousin and Angus herds based in Kilmallock, Co. Limerick was tasked with judging the Limousin classes at Newcastle West show on Sunday 15th July 2018. John awarded the Champion sash to Ardnacrusha Kylie Et, a powerful heifer from the Moloney Family, Ardnacrusha, Co. Clare. Standing in Reserve was the Elite Ice Cream Et daughter Knockcoolkeare Ms Nadia B from local breeder Micheal Roche, Mount Collins, Co. Limerick.


219 Overall Limousin Champion

Placing Name Sire Dam Owner
Champion Ardnacrusha Kylie Et Sympa Ardnacrusha Hilarious Et Donal Moloney
Reserve Champion Knockcoolkeare Ms Nadia B Elite Ice Cream Et Wood Road Ingrid Et Micheal Roche

Reserve Overall Limousin Champion NCW show 2018 – Knockcoolkeare Ms Nadia B

Class 210. Limousin Heifer/Bull Calf born on or after 1st September 2017

Placing Name DOB Sire Dam Owner
1st Knockcoolkeare Nice Girl 4/1/18 Elite Ice Cream Et Knockcoolkeare Isobel Micheal Roche
2nd Ardnacrusha McGregor 6/11/17 Lodge Hamlet Ardnacrusha Hilarious Et Donal Moloney
3rd Cush Mo Cara 11/11/17 Mas Du Clo Olympique Wm. Gubbins
4th Ardnacrusha Mercedes 10/10/17 Wilodge Joskins Etole Donal Moloney

Class winner Knockcoolkeare Nice Girl at NCW show 2018

Class 211. Limousin Female any age born on or before 31st August, 2017

Placing Name DOB Sire Dam Owner
1st Ardnacrusha Kylie Et 08/09/15 Sympa Ardnacrusha Hilarious Et Donal Moloney
2nd Knockcoolkeare Ms Nadia B 05/07/17 Elite Ice Cream Et Wood Road Ingrid Et Micheal Roche
3rd Knockcoolkeare Mistic 21/02/17 Glorieux Castleview Gail Micheal Roche


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